First off, your gift to us is your presence at our wedding - full stop. Your support in whatever form it takes is greatly appreciated.
If you want some other ideas, however, here are some options:
To make this all happen, we're welcoming your contributions to making this a fun, successful event. We're looking for participation in giving each other rides to/from parking spots or accommodations; taking photos; playing music; DJing; going for a sail, a run, a swim; etc. If you'd like to help out with celebration prep, drop us a line.
If you prefer to express that support with a donation to a cause that we support, please consider the American Diabetes Association or Medecins sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders).
If you would like to give us and our soon-to-be family a gift, we're trying to think of things and are adding them to a Wedding Registry and Baby Registry on Amazon. On the other hand, we love recycling. If you see anything on there that you have and would like to pass on to us, please let us know.